

The Tolkien Enthusiast
The Lord of the Rings Movie Project

Related Stuff: Personalised Plates

LotR-related New Zealand Car Number Plates

Since the filming of The Lord of the Rings was announced in New Zealand the number of available personalised car number plates here that have some connection to the book has dwindled. Please email me (link at bottom of page) if there are any changes you know of, or if you have any ideas I've missed. Note that 1RING is the same as 1 RING – ie, spaces don't count. Note also that dates are in the "Everywhere-except-USA" format.

On this page: Sold Plates | Available Plates | Message Plates

Sold Plates:

1RING - sold 24/5/00 (message plate – see below)
1ROHAN - sold unknown date (owned by one of the Rohan soldiers at Helm's Deep, who is willing to sell; updated March 2024)
ARDA - sold 29/7/97
ARWEN - sold 25/11/99 (for sale 1/2005 $2,000)
BAGEND - sold 7/00 (same owner as GONDOR)
BALROG - sold 2/8/99 (now on a black Ford Explorer – and it doesn't have wings)
BILBO - sold 17/7/91
BREE - sold 7/9/91
DRAGON - sold 18/3/88
DWARF - sold 29/10/99
EDORAS - sold 12/6/00
ELF - sold 17/5/88
ELROND - sold 14/7/00 (message plate, for sale – offers considered, or owner will swap for FRODO :-)
ENT - sold 6/6/89
EOWYN - sold 25/11/99 (for sale 1/2005 $2,000)
FEANOR - sold 8/01
FRODO - sold 29/8/95
GAMGEE - sold 14/7/00 (for sale 1/2005 $2,000)
GANDLF - sold 30/3/00 (apparently owned by Gandalf's stunt rider)
GIMLI - sold 3/8/99
GOBLIN - sold 21/7/92
GONDOR - sold 7/00 (same owner as BAGEND)
GROND - sold ~2008 (on a motorcyle since then)
HOBBIT - sold 13/5/88
LORIEN - sold 13/9/96
LOTR - sold 8/7/99
LOTR1 - sold 1/01
MAIA - sold 14/11/97
MERRY - sold 18/6/90
MORDOR - sold 22/10/99
NAZGUL - sold 25/11/99 (for sale 1/2005 $2,000)
NZLOTR - (for sale 5/2006 $5,900)
ORC - sold 22/5/00
ORCS - sold 8/00
PIPPIN - sold 13/10/93
RANGER - sold 11/2/88
RIDDLE - sold 1/11/94
RING - sold 8/4/88
RINGS - sold 5/4/90
ROHAN - sold 29/7/94
SAURON - sold 20/10/99 (currently on a silver Honda Prelude, owner Craig Woolhouse has turned down NZ$6000 for the plate)
SHIRE - sold 15/2/88
SMAUG - sold 13/2/95
STING - sold 15/9/95
THORIN - sold 3/7/95
TOLKIN - sold 9/10/00
TROLL - sold 28/4/92
URUK - sold 12/5/00
WARGS - sold after 20/11/01, message plate on a black 4WD in AA Directions magazine
WIZARD - sold 10/2/88
WRAITH - sold 1/12/88

On this page: Sold Plates | Available Plates | Message Plates

Available & Unresearched Plates

Note that "available" denotes the plate is just that on the date checked – 20/11/01 – but may have been sold since).

2TOWER - available
ARAGRN - available
BALIN - available
BEREN - available
BERGIL - available
CIRDAN - available
DWALIN - available
ELVEN - available
ELVISH - available
EOMER - available
ENDOR - available
FATTYB - available
FOTR - available
GLOIN - available
HALDIR - available
IANMAN - available (list compiler - anyone is welcome to it)
IRINGI - available (spaced I RING I)
KUDUK - available
LOTHO - available
LOTR2 - available (being considered by someone 7/01)
LOTR3 - available (being considered by someone 7/01)
MINASM - available (spaced MINAS M)
MINAST - available (spaced MINAS T)
MORGUL - available
MORIA - available
MTDOOM - available
NARSIL - available
NARYA - available
NENYA - available
NOLDOR - available
QUENYA - available
R1NG - available
RAUROS - available
ROTK - available
SAMG - available (spaced SAM G, being considered by someone 15/7/00)
SILVAN - available
SINDAR - available
TEHANU - available (well-known NZ spy for
THE2TS - available
TOLKEN - available
VANYAR - available
VARIAG - available
VILYA - available
WARG - available
WOSE - available
WOTR - available

On this page: Sold Plates | Available Plates | Message Plates

Message Plates

Message plates are slightly taller than standard plates, and have either one line of text (about 20 characters) or two lines of smaller text (about 30 characters each line). Punctuation is permitted in these messages, and the exact number of characters that will fit depend on the width of the letters, etc. This is what a message plate might look like:

Several colours are also available for the message part of the plate, but the main characters have to be black. For all personalised plates information see the Kiwiplates web site.
