The Tolkien Enthusiast
The Lord of the Rings Movie Project
Tolkien Enthusiast Index
| Exclusive: JAMB Pics
Cast: Fellowship Actors
| Cast: Other Actors |
Crew | Antics
Locations |
Props | Related Stuff
| Silly File
Cast - Brian Sergent (as Ted Sandyman)
From Women's Day, 13 October 1997. If you're having trouble reading it,
click on each image for a really large version, each in a new window.
And in case you're wondering, they did spell "battles" correctly
in the headline. The right page had been ripped out.
Tolkien Enthusiast Index
| Exclusive: JAMB Pics
Cast: Fellowship
Actors | Cast: Other Actors
| Crew | Antics
Locations |
Props | Related Stuff
| Silly File
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