Tough Tips – Screen Protection
Tips for the Olympus Tough TG-5 rugged camera.
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Tough Tips pages: Filters | Hidden Features | Screen Protection | Menu Settings
Written 1 July 2018 by Ian Mander.
The menu structure of the TG-5 is a bit strange. The menu structure on my Panasonic GM1 (a non-tough camera) mostly seems quite intuitive. The TG-5's menu structure is going to take a bit of guesswork, random navigation, and a lot of getting used to. This is a pity, because it's a disincentive for people to get the most out of their camera.
Set the time:
- Setup Menu (the spanner) –> [Clock symbol] Settings –> [Clock symbol].
- Will turning on GPS keep the clock on time? I don't know because I couldn't get a fix inside, even by large windows or under a plastic roof. And it's cold and wet outside. Update Oct 2019: Yes, and it even sets Daylight Saving Time.
Set the time zone in the same parent folder:
- Setup Menu (the spanner) –> [Clock symbol] Settings –> Time Zone.
- My camera's clock runs a little fast so I set it a few seconds behind the actual time.
Screen brightness. The default setting for the screen brightness is right in the middle of what it's capable of. To help see it more easily in daylight:
- Setup Menu (the spanner) –> option 4 (icon that looks like a dinner plate with a knife and fork next to it). Set to desired level, hit OK.
File numbering. I like to know the total photo count of my cameras, but by default the file numbering of the TG-5 restarts each time you put in a new card or reformat a card, which is a complete pain. It can be changed in the camera menu system:
- Custom Menu (the cog wheel) –> menu F –> File Name. Change "Reset" to "Auto".
Level of noise reduction. I really don't like the watercolour look that small sensor photographs often have due to significant noise reduction image processing. I prefer to have more detail with a little more noise. There's a setting for that:
- Custom Menu (the cog wheel) –> menu C –> Noise Filter –> Low.
- The next setting, Noise Reduction, is whether the camera will take a black photo after a photo to be able to cancel the brightness of "on" pixels that shouldn't be on.
Adjust horizontal guide. My M4/3 camera has a tilted horizontal, which is rather annoying, especially since there isn't any way to correct it. The TG-5 has an accurate level but there is a setting to adjust it.
- Custom Menu (the cog wheel) –> menu H –> Level Adjust. It has two settings – reset to default, and reset present level to 0.
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