Thanks for your latest newsletter. I really liked
the photos especially the one of the fire exit as we have been talking
about having a fire drill at Church.
Let me know if you want a larger version for display purposes.
I figured you must be really dedicated to put
in such long hours in that heat - I think it's great!
I forgot to mention that I got up at 6am on the day I collected/delivered
the cooks, meeting the other drivers at 7am. Yeah, that was a long day.
The roads have SO many potholes.
Did you really put your head under in that green
No. I forgot my prescription goggles and couldn't see anything
without my glasses, so I kept my glasses on and kept my head above
water (this time). However, this is the view underwater, close
to the surface.
There's a person in that direction. At least we tried. It went
black pretty quickly at greater depths and there was a thick layer
of scunge on the bottom. (I'm not really surprised that diarrhea
is so common here.)
How's your supply of balloons this time around?
I've got a reasonably good supply of various sorts of balloons but
I haven't really started on them, other than using a few water balloons
on the neighbourhood kids.