

Romania 2003

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My third trip to Romania. I went for four months this time, although that presented a few problems since the longest Romanian tourist visa issued is for three months (90 days actually).

I guess my main activity was driving. I got very used to driving a certain diesel van during my stay. I'm sure I drove The Pumpkin* more than its owner Steve did for several months.

Other tasks included helping at the streetkids' Day Centre, setting up a streetkids' summer camp then photographing and video recording it, and helping to build a home for street boys.

I guess I must have been a little snap-happy with my new digital camera. I took more than 1600 photos over the four months, or an average of 400 per month/100 per week. Yes, there are lots of bad photos, but also a few good ones. (Who needs so many photos of lightning and growing radishes anyway?)

The photo on the left? They posed themselves, and just happened to be in that order. The blue and white bag the kid on the right is holding contains paint he was sniffing.

*Named by the streetkids because of its orange colour.


I had time (and motivation) to write ten newsletters while I was in Romania, then another two after I got back home. I've added a few extras that might be useful to those wanting to renew a visa.

One 7 June Travel, seeing the Boys' Home for my first time, heat, my first Dacia troubles, buying bread for a camp, potholes.
  Two 16 June A strange sign at Heathrow, lots of driving, more heat, a pool party, an inadvertant begger.  


Two PS

16 June

A reader's questions about green water.


  Three 30 June Streetsmart kids, digging, driving, the Danube, an evangelical balloon trick.  
  Four 27 July Streetkids antics, the first concrete at the Boys' Home, driving, Dacia repair, streetkid fashion, salvation.  
  Five 12 August Another camp, a hose, a haystack, lots of walking, the outdoors, big rocks and a catapault model, solvent sniffing.  
  Six 15 August More on the camp and afterward, lots more driving, Hungarian border crossing, petrol stations, changes while I was away, a pacemaker, a camp fire.  
  Six PS 22 August A reader says not a UFO.  
  Seven 22 August Lots more concrete pouring at the Boy's Home, wheebarrow, bricks and internet cafés, the Dacia finally runs.  
  Eight 31 August Progress at the Boys' Home, a kid asleep, fun in, under and around Budapest.  
  Eight supplement 31 August Getting a visa, a T-Rex leg.  
  Eight supplement PS 3 September Train ticket needed for visa, a rhino.  
  Nine 17 September Boys' Home floor started, corn party, glue sniffing, love, Steve's story, a storm.  
  Ten 23 September The photos that shouldn't have been taken.  
  Eleven 1 October Back home, a Dacia model, electricity bill, storks, corruption, cemetary visit, on the streets one last evening.  
  Twelve 4 October Kids grow up, fireworks, thanks, NZ weather.  

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